The adjustment from Zambia to America was a little more difficult this year than it has been in years past. I spent the rest of my summer with my family trying my best to feel comfortable in my American skin.
The first fun event was Stephanie's play. My sisters are amazing. Stephanie has performed on a number of occasions and I have been fortunate enough to attend most of these events. I know I may be biased but my sister has, hands down, the most incredible voice of anyone I've ever heard. It is such a delight to listen to her sing. She performed as Nephi's wife in the play "With Mine Own Hand." It was fabulous.
(Stephanie thinks the blue headband in the picture below is too big. I totally disagree.)
The following weekend was Hood to Coast. I should be writing a whole blog about H2C adventures. Let's just say I was on the greatest team of all time. (For those of you who read this blog and were on my team from last year, please disregard that last statement.) There's just something about being in a suburban rather than a car that makes the whole Hood to Coast experience much more pleasant.
(Please take note that I am the only one without a medal. Apparently, the slowest person on the team is not rewarded with such an honor.)
(I love this picture of tiny Heidi in front of these big burly men. It makes her look so tough.)
After Hood to Coast I had the great pleasure of watching my sister's kids while she and her husband celebrated their tenth anniversary kayaking on the Puget Sound. That might sound fun except for the fact that it was freezing cold the whole time they were there. They should have stayed home and played with us. We had much more fun.
Took a trip to the OMSI for free (anything for free is fantastic).
Played at the castle park. Okay, let's be honest, I sat on the bench and yelled at the kids to keep their eye on Holly so she didn't fall and crack her head open. But look everyone is smiling, almost.
Then we went bowling. This picture is classic. Depicts our time at the bowling alley perfectly. I sure do love these kids. They are just a bundle of joy. Sure wish my siblings would go away more often. There's nothing more fun than playing mom for the weekend. Love it.
I also visited with a dear family from my mission. Sure love those Spradlin's, they've always treated me like gold.
And after all started...and...the fun stopped.
Okay, not really. The fun continues but I don't have any more pictures to prove it. We did have a wonderful b-day party for Heidi, went on a fun camping trip with the fam, and I've had a blast playing with all my wonderful Oregon friends. Life is good!!!
And finally, one of the greatest battle wounds of all time. Isn't it a beauty? Wish I could make the picture a little bigger and some how make it look like there's a lot more blood gushing down my leg. Sigh...