Wednesday, August 4, 2010

We have a library!!!


Thanks to this little gem and all her expertise…


and to these awesome volunteers that helped label all the books…


and to this beautiful woman who looks like she helped a lot but really just came in to get a picture of herself with a book…


we have ourselves a library!!!  All the books are colored coded into different levels.  It’s even grown since this picture. (Please take note of the fact that I also have a “uniform” just like the kids…love my school skirt)


Library Day!


Sixty kids in one room and they were all captivated by the books.  I love my library.  Thanks to those who helped me get it all set up.

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Chapter books in my office.

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Here are the kids just enjoying a PP&J.  They forgot to bring their lunch when the volunteers came so the volunteers sacrificed their PB&J’s for these little morsels.  They loved their sandwiches.  Never seen so many different and unique ways of eating a PB&J.


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