There's so much to report on for the last few months but I hate to write so I'm just going to make it short and sweet.
First of all... I PASSED my dreadful, stressful, lame math test. I hate taking tests. Besides ticks sucking my blood (never had it happen but I think it would be the worst thing in the world), taking tests are the worst thing in the world. I had to take this really hard (not sure how else to desrcibe it) math test to get my Oregon Teaching License. I was fully expecting to have to take the test again (after all it did take me two times to pass the Oregon Driver's Test) but I was happily mistaken when I received this letter in the mail...

We had to go to PF Chang's to celebrate. Well...I don't think it was really a celebration for me but I pretended like it was. Dad was nice enough to pay for us all. He sure is a good man. Thanks for everyone's support.

Went and saw my dear friend Monica in Colorado. Sure love that girl.

Lots more to say but no more pics to show so I'll be done for now.
I was going to call you and tell you that you needed a new blog post before going to Africa. And now I am so pleasantly surprised! The only thing I wasn't following was the hitch hiking. What was that all about? Love ya
I loved the hitch hiking thing - so NOT HEATHER! :)
I sure was bummed that I wasn't able to see you when you were out here, but I miss you tons.
I hope you have fun in Africa.... you'll have to keep us posted on when your going.
Congrats on passing your test Hed. I hate tests too... good thing you get to give them now! :)
I'm always happy to find a new post on your blog. You know we'll all be checking while your in Africa. Even if there aren't any pictures it's worth a few minutes to tell the world what amazing things you'll be up to. Can't believe it's only a few days away!!!!
I have to say that I'm not sure I agree with the blood-sucking ticks as being the worst thing ever. I think that getting stung by thousands of bees swarming all over your body would be pretty awful, combined with you running to your house and discovering it's on fire, and then all your skin falls off because the bees stung you so bad there's no skin to save, so you walk around with exposed muscle embarrassing is that?! But maybe ticks sucking your blood is pretty awful too....
You look freakin' FABULOUS! Good luck in Zambia! -Dre
Congrats! Say, love the blog title! How was that not taken? And thanks for broadcasting...I never would have known you got this going.
Please don't ever hitchhike again. I'll lose sleep about this. You can moon people, shout things out your window, run at night with a friend while carrying a cell phone and weapon, but please don't hitchhike!
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